From the monthly archives:

September 2010

Pouring Milk Out For My Mommy

by Maile Girl on September 16, 2010

With Mommy in New York for the week, I knew I had to do something to show my respect…

(Click here for the video.)

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The Yogurt Series

by Papa K on September 15, 2010

Mommy is starting to get fancy with the camera. Monet may have had his Haystacks … we have Yogurt.

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Takin’ It To The House

by Papa K on September 14, 2010

As some of you might already know, we live across the street from a high school. Last year they installed an amazing new football field with FieldTurf – its basically a grass carpet. It literally bounces when you walk on it. I remember playing soccer games in high school on fields where there wasn’t a blade of grass in sight. This is basically the opposite.

Maile and I decided to go check it out after dinner tonight. I’ve been realizing that living in the city means Maile spends a lot of time on cement. This was a nice change of pace and it was great for her to practice walking (and even some “running”?) on…

(Click here for the video.)

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Daddy’s Little Helper?

by Maile Girl on September 14, 2010

Maile Girl here. If you didn’t know already, Mommy is in New York again this week. I just wanted to report in and make sure everyone was aware that Daddy is putting me to work. I mean, I’m all for helping out around the house… but this is ridiculous.

Daddy when I said I'd help bring in the groceries, I was kind of thinking I'd carry the bread or an apple or something. This might take me awhile.

Daddy when I said I'd help bring in the groceries, I was kind of thinking I'd carry the bread or an apple or something. This might take me awhile.

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One Maile Band

by Papa K on September 13, 2010

(Dad note: My favorite part of this video is when she switches back to the accordion-type thing. She might live out my rock star dreams yet…)

(Dad note #2: How Christine isn’t completely goofing while taping this is beyond me. She’s the Wes Welker of Hapa Haole, just consistently delivering at a high quality…)

(Click here for the video.)

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Maile Frankenstein

by Papa K on September 12, 2010

Maile’s walking is improving every day – she’s upgraded from monkey-style to movie monster zombie…

(Click here for the video.)

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by Papa K on September 9, 2010

As regular readers of the blog may recall, last January I spent a little time in the hospital. While it ended up not being anything too serious, my doctor suggested I not drink alcohol until some of my liver tests returned to normal. That ended up taking a bit longer than anticipated and up until last weekend, I hadn’t had a drink since January. 9 months! I was basically pregnant (minus a lot of the other stuff of course).

Last Saturday we got a babysitter for Maile girl and had an adult’s night out with Jake’s parents and Hannah’s parents. I got the all clear from my doctor to have a couple drinks.

Unfortunately, I also drew the short straw for taking care of Maile on Sunday morning. Going out at night is the easy part with babies – its the morning after that can be challenging. Even though I only had a few drinks, I actually was pretty hungover on Sunday morning. I woke up at 6 AM with Maile Girl and then when Mommy woke up, I crashed out on the couch.

As the video below shows, Maile doesn’t quite understand what a “hangover” is all about. Probably a good thing, but not so good for Daddy. Poor little girl just wanted to play with her daddy. Poor Daddy just wanted his headache to go away.

(Click here for the video.)

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Labor Day BBQ & Photoshoot

by Papa K on September 9, 2010

Well, heeeelloooo ladies. Welcome to my crib! Make yourself at home...

Well, heeeelloooo ladies. Welcome to my crib! Make yourself at home...

On Monday, we headed down to Palo Alto for a Labor Day BBQ at Wills’ house. Hannah, Allison, Sophie and Oliver (along with their parents) joined us as well. It was a pretty crazy scene with babies walking and crawling all over the place (or being carried in the case of little Oliver).

The BBQ was fun, but the real excitement came when we tried to take a group picture. Here’s the final result:

Mommies and babies - Labor Day 2010

Mommies and babies - Labor Day 2010

Not too bad. Here’s the behind-the-scenes of how it all came together…

[vimeo clip_id=”14820902″ width=”450″]

(Click here for the video.)
(Click here for the complete photo shoot courtesy of Wills.)

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Apples & Honey

by Papa K on September 8, 2010

Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. To celebrate, Mommy picked up some apples on the way home from work and we had an impromptu meal of apples and honey with Maile Girl.

Teaching Maile how to dip the apples in the honey.

Teaching Maile how to dip the apples in the honey.

Yummy, yummy, yummy! Maile liked the honey ... a lot! ... but she had trouble keeping everything in her mouth. Mommy and daddy are still finding honey on their arms and clothes...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! Maile liked the honey ... a lot! ... but she had trouble keeping everything in her mouth. Mommy and daddy are still finding honey on their arms and clothes...

(Dad note: As the video below shows, I stumbled a bit on my explanation of why we eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah. Post video, we put a call into Auntie Elyssa and she confirmed that daddy’s explanation of a “sweet new year” was indeed correct. Mental note to call Auntie Elyssa BEFORE introducing any new Jewish traditions to Maile Girl in the future…)

[vimeo clip_id=”14820662″ width=”450″]

La Shana Tova to all our Jewish family and friends!

(Click here for the video.)

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Student of the Game

by Papa K on September 7, 2010

Mommy teaching Maile about Bocce. Or is it Maile teaching Mommy?

Mommy teaching Maile about Bocce. Or is it Maile teaching Mommy?

On Sunday our neighbors hosted a day long bocce tournament at the local bocce courts. (Yes, there are local bocce courts right down the street from our apartment. Who knew?) Apparently this is a tradition that the neighbors have been doing for years – they hold tournaments on the Sunday of Memorial Day and Labor Day to bookend the summer. In addition to some serious bocce, there was a ton of great Italian-inspired food.

Maile Girl was fascinated by the rolling balls. She stared at the game for so long that I’m pretty sure she has it figured out. Do they offer scholarships for bocce?

(Click here for the video.)

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