
by Papa K on September 9, 2010

As regular readers of the blog may recall, last January I spent a little time in the hospital. While it ended up not being anything too serious, my doctor suggested I not drink alcohol until some of my liver tests returned to normal. That ended up taking a bit longer than anticipated and up until last weekend, I hadn’t had a drink since January. 9 months! I was basically pregnant (minus a lot of the other stuff of course).

Last Saturday we got a babysitter for Maile girl and had an adult’s night out with Jake’s parents and Hannah’s parents. I got the all clear from my doctor to have a couple drinks.

Unfortunately, I also drew the short straw for taking care of Maile on Sunday morning. Going out at night is the easy part with babies – its the morning after that can be challenging. Even though I only had a few drinks, I actually was pretty hungover on Sunday morning. I woke up at 6 AM with Maile Girl and then when Mommy woke up, I crashed out on the couch.

As the video below shows, Maile doesn’t quite understand what a “hangover” is all about. Probably a good thing, but not so good for Daddy. Poor little girl just wanted to play with her daddy. Poor Daddy just wanted his headache to go away.

(Click here for the video.)

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