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Jane, Maggie and Maile - April 2011

Jane, Maggie and Maile - April 2011

On Friday, we headed out to New Jersey to visit Maile’s good friends Maggie and Jane and their respective families (including new baby brothers for each that we hadn’t met yet, Sean and Dean, respectively!) Uncle Ryan and Aunt Diana also came up from Washington, DC to see everyone – so we had a full on reunion.

Due to the new babies this was our first time getting everyone together since our trip last year. It was awesome seeing how much the girls have grown up. Maggie and Jane are both a little less than a year older than Maile. Maile wasn’t even walking on our last visit – this time she was able to run all over with the girls – and run they did!

Highlights included: Maile taking her first boat ride (as we joined Uncle Matt for his commute home from work on Friday), baby Sean getting his first kiss from Maile Girl, conspiring with Maggie and Jane, reading stories with Auntie Diana and Uncle Ryan, visiting the New Jersey swamp refuge (Maile swears she saw a bus out there, but I’m dubious) and enjoying some great food and laughs with our favorite New Jersey friends…

We took a ton of pictures, too many to post directly, so enjoy the slide show below of the highlights…

(Click here for the pictures.)

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