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On Saturday, I packed up my tools and headed over to Daddy’s new office to help him set it up. There were lots of desks and couches and chairs to build, but with my help (and especially Mommy’s) Daddy and his partners were able to set everything up. According to this video, it only took “1 minute”, but I could have sworn we were there longer…

The best part of the office? That’s easy. The tunnel, of course. What? Your daddy’s office doesn’t have a tunnel?

The tunnel was really long. I got lost a few times.

The tunnel was really long. I got lost a few times.

Hey! Who turned out the lights?

Hey! Who turned out the lights?

The tunnel was even big enough for Daddy to fit in!

(Dad note: Thanks to Maile Girl and Mommy for helping with the construction! My partner, Nate, did the time capture video above. Really cool setup – the camera basically follows a track and takes a picture every 5 seconds. Incredibly, Maile didn’t notice the huge dolly setup in the corner and didn’t bother it once!)

(Click here for the time lapse video.)

(Click here for the second video.)

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