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Boston Friends

by Maile Girl on July 21, 2011

Every time I go back to Boston I always have so much fun catching up with my east coast friends.

This time I met two new friends, Adam and Tyler. They are just babies so as a big two year old, I knew it was my job to take care of them. (Hint, hint, mommy and daddy – I can handle this big sister thing!) I sang some songs to Adam – I think he liked them…

On Sunday night, I saw my good friend Alex – her birthday is the week before mine, so we celebrated together with some pizza and a very special cake that Grandma Jill made just for me!

Pizza with Alex - she is so cool, I learn so much when I hang out with her...

Pizza with Alex - she is so cool, I learn so much when I hang out with her...

Elmo! Grandma Gail sends Elmo to live with me and Grandma Jill makes me an Elmo cake - I am one lucky little girl!

Elmo! Grandma Gail sends Elmo to live with me and Grandma Jill makes me an Elmo cake - I am one lucky little girl!

Then on Monday, I went out to dinner with one of my oldest friends, Jordy – and we goofed around and just had so much fun.

Making funny faces with Jordy

Making funny faces with Jordy

Best. Friends.

Best. Friends.

I can’t wait to go back to Boston and see everyone again!

(Click here for the video.)

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