Our Girls (2016 Edition)

by Papa K on January 3, 2016

Still lots to cover from our time in Hawaii, but I thought for my first post of the new year, I’d share the girls’ school pictures.

First, we need to cover Lauren’s very first school picture.

Lauren, Coconut Tree Class (2.5 years old)

Lauren, Coconut Tree Class (2.5 years old)

A truly epic school picture. When Christine and I saw this picture we almost died laughing. In many ways its the perfect Lauren pose. She is such a character. I got the feeling that the school photographer had already done 100 portraits that day and when Lauren wouldn’t put her hand down, he just said “ah, screw it…”

And then we have our first grader, Ms. Maile Girl. She always knows how to light up the room with her smile.

Maile, First Grade (6 years old)

Maile, First Grade (6 years old)

And for comparison to Lauren above, here is Maile for her first school picture (a bit younger than Lauren pictured above)…

Maile's First School Picture (2011)

Maile's First School Picture (2011)

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