How to Write A Great Anniversary Card for Your Daddy

by Maile Girl on October 6, 2014

Maile Girl here. Did you know that today was my Mommy and Daddy’s anniversary? It celebrates the day they got married. I have them tell me the story all the time – it was a really fun day.

But I’m not here to talk about that – today, I wanted to tell you how to write a great anniversary card for your daddy. NOTE: This probably works for mommies too, but Mommy was the one helping me so this time we focused on Daddy.

First, head to the card store and find a good card. I like to find the music cards, but apparently they don’t make those for Anniversaries. Instead I got one with fishies on the cover kissing. Cute, right?

Next, ask a Mommy (your Mommy will do) to spell out all the nice things you want to say to your Daddy.

You can ignore the crossed off area at the top, Mommy used upper and lower case letters and I wanted to focus on upper case only. Clearly.

You can ignore the crossed off area at the top, Mommy used upper and lower case letters and I wanted to focus on upper case only. Clearly.

After you have your message, get to work writing it all out.

Take your time and write it all out very, very carefully.

Take your time and write it all out very, very carefully.

And make sure you have at least 10 “so”‘s at the end when you say “I love you so much” – trust me, it makes a big difference.

The finished product - Daddy said it got dusty in the room when he read it :)

The finished product - Daddy said it got dusty in the room when he read it 🙂

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