Setting Up Shop

by Papa K on July 7, 2011

Mommy, you can leave. I'm going to be a little while in here.

Mommy, you can leave. I'm going to be a little while in here.

So far potty training has been a slow process. Can’t say we’ve made a ton of progress since our last check in. A couple nights ago, we did indeed get Maile on the potty. I went in with her and started to read her a book.

Then she decided that she wanted to read the book herself.

Then she decided she wanted to color.

Then she decided she needed a table in order to color properly.

Then she decided she wanted some water.

And well, that’s how we end up with the picture above.

{ 1 comment }

scottorn July 8, 2011 at 6:26 am

Maile should try an iPad on the can.

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