Maile Goes to Church

by Maile Girl on May 25, 2011

On Sunday, after breakfast, Mommy and I got all decked out in our pretty dressies and Gramma and Papa took us to “church”. Church was a little bit like my Music Together class – except fancier (on account of the dressies). Lots of different people, singing, a little bit of dancing. Plus there was a stage – and well, I like stages.

Mommy and me on our way in to church - don't we look pretty?

Mommy and me on our way in to church - don't we look pretty?

I asked Gramma and Papa why they were sitting so far back...

I asked Gramma and Papa why they were sitting so far back...

... the view was MUCH better way up front. (Dad note: yes, that is Maile just sitting in front of everyone.)

... the view was MUCH better way up front. (Dad note: yes, that is Maile just sitting in front of everyone.)

I made lots of new friends and we all put on a performance for everyone. I didn't know the words to the songs, so I just stood up front and looked cute.

I made lots of new friends and we all put on a performance for everyone. I didn't know the words to the songs, so I just stood up front and looked cute.

Hallelujah! I see the light!

Hallelujah! I see the light!

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