Maile’s First Oscars Pool

by Papa K on February 27, 2011

Both sides of our family really enjoy the movies, so every year I run an Oscars pool. We decided that since she was 19 months old, Maile was old enough to participate (after all she’s already taken done quite well in last year’s March Madness and Super Bowl pools.)

Mommy came up with a fun idea for how to get all of Maile’s picks. We used blocks and then her pick was whichever block she chose (1-5 for most categories). As the video below shows, it mostly worked – for some reason she got hung up on block #5 for awhile (I believe because it had a picture of an apple on it).

So how did she do? Not too well, unfortunately. Maile’s streak of winning pools is over. I will say that I actually won the pool this year (ah, thank you) and I <think> what might have happened was that after helping me with my own picks, Maile made different picks to boost her old man’s confidence. I appreciate how she supports me.

(Click here for the video.)

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