Maile & The Red Balloon

by Papa K on November 15, 2010

On Saturday, we stopped by Sprout (a great baby store on Union St) and they gave Maile a red balloon. She proceeded to walk all over town with it. Inspired by a distant memory of the movie, I took pictures and video as she went along…

You can't catch me red balloon!

You can't catch me red balloon!

Why so shy, red balloon? Come down and play with me!

Why so shy, red balloon? Come down and play with me!

Uh oh, I think I see a blue balloon following us. Quick around this corner!

Uh oh, I think I see a blue balloon following us. Quick around this corner!

Daddy, can I keep red balloon? Yes, Maile, of course, you can.

Daddy, can I keep red balloon? Yes, Maile, of course, you can.

(Click here for the video.)

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