Maile Minute – 16 Months

by Papa K on November 11, 2010

Maile turned 16 months old today! We thought this would be a good opportunity to introduce a new feature here at Hapa Haole – the Maile Minute. The Maile Minute was inspired by a blog that Christine reads called Pacing the Panic Room. The blog follows the adventures of a little girl named Tessa and her family (with amazing photos to boot because the dad is a photographer). Every month they film Tessa for 2 and a half minutes uninterrupted. We thought it’d be a cool way to see how Maile changes from month-to-month.

Below is our first installment. For now we are filming Maile in her high chair during her dinner. (It’s kind of hard to get her to stay still otherwise!) Admittedly not terribly exciting, but we think it will be fun to watch her progression as time goes by.

(Click here for the video.)


a32b November 12, 2010 at 6:22 pm

LOVE the idea to do this. We may “borrow” it on the O-Zone’s site.

Question: The Vimeo videos have stopped playing on iPads or iPhones. Any idea why? I go into panic mode when there’s new Maile content and I can’t access it while out and about 🙂

Papa K November 12, 2010 at 6:26 pm

Borrow away – that’s what we did!

I it’s because instead of using Vimeo’s embed feature with the new iPad-friendly code, I’ve been using a plug-in for Wordpress that I guess still uses the old embed code. I’ll look into it and make sure to get that fixed – don’t want to deprive you 😉

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