Skipping Milestones…

by Papa K on August 15, 2010

Remember how we thought walking would be the next milestone for Maile? She decided to skip right over that – she’s more than content to crawl and cruise around, she just wants to get higher. She’s going vertical by climbing. On. Everything. We turn our back for a second and she’s piled all her toys together and she’s precariously perched on top of them. Needless to say another round of child proofing has ensued…

Hmm, guess we'll need to find a new place to put the storage bag with all of Maile's toys...

Hmm, guess we'll need to find a new place to put the storage bag with all of Maile's toys...

Apparently, Maile has a complex about her height - she is already using whatever is available to get a lift...

Apparently, Maile has a complex about her height - she is already using whatever is available to get a lift...

Funny, they didn't show this use of the toy in the instruction manual...

Funny, they didn't show this use of the toy in the instruction manual...

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