Maile’s First Pair of Shoes

by Maile Girl on July 18, 2010

To celebrate my first birthday Grandma Jill and Daddy took me shoe shopping for my first pair of shoes. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, but they seemed quite excited, so I went along for the ride…

Okay, I'll smile for the camera - this is fun, Daddy!

Okay, I'll smile for the camera - this is fun, Daddy!

It took Daddy a little while to get the shoes on my feet - he said my feet were like a jelly fish. Not sure if that's good or bad, I think my feet are cute.

It took Daddy a little while to get the shoes on my feet - he said my feet were like a jelly fish. Not sure if that's good or bad, I think my feet are cute.

Ta-da! What do you think? Pretty, right? (Dad note: we sent this picture to Mommy to make sure we had the a-okay from the boss...)

Ta-da! What do you think? Pretty, right? (Dad note: we sent this picture to Mommy to make sure we had the a-okay from the boss...)

Wait? I don't get to take them off? They stay on?! What is this? You didn't explain this properly... Take. Them. Off.

Wait? I don't get to take them off? They stay on?! What is this? You didn't explain this properly... Take. Them. Off.

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