Maile + Swing = Big Smiles

by Papa K on February 15, 2010

Saturday was a beautiful day here in San Francisco (not rubbing it in – just stating the facts!) Its been pretty rainy lately, so we decided to take advantage of the weather and head out with Maile girl. First we went out to lunch – since Maile eats solid foods now, we just take her food with us. After we ordered Mommy fed Maile and then she played and kept us company while we ate our meal. I felt like I was on a double date with my two favorite girls!

After lunch we went to the park. We had taken Maile to the park before, but she was always too little to really play on any of the rides. Not anymore. Now that Maile can sit without any problem we thought she was ready for the swings. Boy, were we right! She absolutely loved the swing – I think it might be her new favorite thing – even better than bouncing. (Which is saying a lot because Maile LOVES bouncing!)

I think the videos below make it pretty clear how much fun Maile was having. We will definitely be heading back to the park very soon!

(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)

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