7 Months Old!

by Maile Girl on February 11, 2010

Today was my 7 month birthday! I think its going to be sad when we stop celebrating these birthdays every month – I like it when mommy and daddy sing to me! This month’s birthday was pretty low key, but I had fun before bed time playing around with mommy and daddy.

First, since I’m doing a better job standing on my own, we started a new tradition. Mommy and daddy measured me against the wall. They drew a line that my head reached to and then wrote my name and the date on the wall. I guess that means its cool to draw on the wall? Good to know.

Mommy still has to help me stand a bit, but I have a feeling I'll be doing it on my own very soon!

Mommy still has to help me stand a bit, but I have a feeling I'll be doing it on my own very soon!

My first measurement - 26 inches high (although I think I'm a little taller - I was 27 inches at my last doctor's appointment). Or maybe I shrunk??

My first measurement - 26 inches high (although I think I'm a little taller - I was 27 inches at my last doctor's appointment). Or maybe I shrunk??

After that we horsed around a bit – definitely my favorite thing to do. My mommy and daddy are great fun!

My mommy is so silly - she's upside-down!

My mommy is so silly - she's upside-down!

Hold on a sec, my fingers are really small, let me stick them in your mouth and nose...

Hold on a sec, my fingers are really small, let me stick them in your mouth and nose...

Wait! Now I'm the one who is upside-down. Wheeeeee!

Wait! Now I'm the one who is upside-down. Wheeeeee!

I'm SUPER 7 MONTH OLD Maile! Yay!

I'm SUPER 7 MONTH OLD Maile! Yay!

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