Bouncin’ and Bouncin’ 2 – Electric Boogaloo

by Papa K on November 18, 2009

We picked up a new toy for Maile on Tuesday and I think it’s safe to say it might be her favorite yet – its a jumper. You hook it up to the door frame, Maile sits in it and bounces around. You are supposed to adjust it so the tips of her feet just touch the ground.

Maile LOVES the jumper – she pretty much took right to it, although as you can see below, she seems to be figuring it out a bit more on Day 2.

The first video captures Maile’s first try at the jumper:

And the second video is on day 2:

And yes, the title of this post is in reference to the breakdancing movies of the early 80’s Breakin’ and Breakin’ 2 – Electric Boogaloo. True story – Breakin’ 2 was the first movie Auntie Elyssa ever saw in a movie theater. Why does this matter? Because it gives me an excuse to include this:

(Click here for the first video. Click here for the second video. And here for the Youtube video.)

(And for those who are curious, the bouncer we bought is the Graco Bumper Jumper.)

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