My Busy Weekend – Part 3: My 100th Day Birthday

by Maile Girl on October 19, 2009

I know what you are thinking, “man Maile, your parents really celebrate every day and week that you’ve been alive like its a birthday.” And while that is kind of true, this Sunday was a particularly special day – it was my 100th Day Birthday (or Momoka in Japanese).

100 days is pretty important in Asian cultures. In Japan, you are served tai (sea bream) and sekihan (red bean rice) for health, luck, and to celebrate your special day. We didn’t have any sea bream or red bean rice – but I did get to do something very special.

Grandma Gail brought my mommy’s first kimono with her from Hawaii. Even cooler, the kimono was made by my mommy’s Grandma Kugiya. The very same Grandma Kugiya that I am named after (Grandma Kugiya’s first name was Chieko.) How cool is that?

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, but check out how adorable I am in the kimono!

The full view

The full view

Up close and smiley!

Up close and smiley!

(Dad Note: as with most things related to Japanese culture, I cheated off of Katie’s blog for the info on what 100 days was all about. Here is the post from Emily’s 100 Day Birthday and for Katie’s too. I can’t wait to meet my cousins!)

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