From the daily archives:

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Maile, the One (Wo)man Band

by Papa K on July 26, 2015

Last week Maile attended Camp Galileo and the focus for the week was around art and music (right up her alley!).

A guitar art piece that Maile made at Camp Galileo

A guitar art piece that Maile made at Camp Galileo

For their final project, Maile and her campmates made their own one-man band contraption. For those who read this that I grew up with, it totally reminded me of something Pete Sawin would be proud of!

Maile was a great big sister, letting Lauren have a try too...

Maile was a great big sister, letting Lauren have a try too...

This is so cool - when do I get to go to camp?!?

This is so cool - when do I get to go to camp?!?

As a side note, every day Maile’s counselor sent a little note home with her. They always praised her for her “determination” – I thought it was a nice touch and a cool way to provide praise. Here’s an example:

Maile: You were super determined in science today! You worked super hard on your harmonica even though it was difficult. But you didn’t give up! 🙂 You’re Awesome!

(Click here for the video.)

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