Sharing some news with Maile and you

by Papa K on August 29, 2012

I’ve been waiting to write this post for a couple months. Back in early June we found out that Christine was pregnant(!), but we decided we wanted to tell Maile the news before we posted on the blog. We thought it would be easier to tell Maile about the new baby once Mommy was showing a bit and if we knew the baby’s sex (so we could tell her if she was going to have a baby sister or a baby brother). Yesterday, we had the ultrasound and learned that we were having … a baby girl!

Christine and I were absolutely thrilled to learn that we’re going to have two little girls that will grow up together. We couldn’t wait to tell Maile and boy, the experience didn’t disappoint. We printed out a couple pictures from the ultrasound and headed to school to pick Maile up. We decided to tell her while we were there, so we found a bench outside her classroom and told her that there was a baby in Mommy’s tummy and that it was going to be a little sister for Maile. I will never forget the look on Maile’s face – it was like we had given her the greatest gift ever – it took a moment for the news to register and then her eyes lit up and she got this “for me?” smile on her face.

Those who know Maile, know she’s not shy about displaying affection and she immediately started to hug Christine’s belly and kiss it. It was adorable. (And she hasn’t stopped since!) We then showed her the pictures and she proceeded to run around school waving the pictures and telling everyone she ran into that “my mommy has a baby in her tummy” – it was awesome!

I took a few pictures and some video after we shared the news …

The baby is in your tummy? Like right here?

The baby is in your tummy? Like right here?

Love, love baby sister!

Love, love baby sister!

And, of course, here are some pictures of Maile’s little sister – she’s a little shy right now, but she’ll warm up when she arrives on January 20th!

Peek-a-boo little baby girl!

Peek-a-boo little baby girl!

First pics of Maile's little sister!

First pics of Maile's little sister!

(Click here for the video.)

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