From the monthly archives:

March 2012

Long Week for Daddy

by Maile Girl on March 13, 2012

It’s been a long week for Daddy – he’s been really busy working on March Madness stuff.

Mommy and I have been taking good care of him though. In the video below, I’m helping him relax by reading him a story…

(Click here for the video.)

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Off to the zoo…

by Papa K on March 12, 2012

Maile has been really into reading about animals lately, so on Saturday Mommy decided to take her to the zoo to see them in the flesh!

Where should we go first? (Maile LOVES maps ... again, thanks to Dora.)

Where should we go first? (Maile LOVES maps ... again, thanks to Dora.)

Peacocks! So pretty!

Peacocks! So pretty!

So much fun riding the hippo...

So much fun riding the hippo...

Such a cute smile on our 2.5 year old!

Such a cute smile on our 2.5 year old!

Yes, Maile, rhinos really are that big!

Yes, Maile, rhinos really are that big!

And then they saw this lovely monkey…

(Click here for the video.)

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Milestone Time!

by Papa K on March 11, 2012

Maile can get in the bath tub all by herself!

Maile can get in the bath tub all by herself!

... now she just needs to remember to take off her clothes first!

... now she just needs to remember to take off her clothes first!

(Dad note: Apparently, the way this went down was that Mommy started Maile’s bath and then went in to the kitchen to clean some dishes. She heard a splash, went to the bathroom and found Maile without her pants, but still wearing sweatshirt and socks had already started her bath!)

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Mommy and Daddy are always taking pictures of me with their cameras. A little while back, Daddy gave me one of his old cameras. I’ve been figuring out how to use and I’m finally starting to get the hang of it!

These are all pictures I took on Saturday. Daddy was at work, so I wanted to make sure he didn’t miss anything!

Mommy on the stoop taking a picture of me taking her picture!

Mommy on the stoop taking a picture of me taking her picture!

This is the sky. So blue.

This is the sky. So blue.

This is our courtyard - I think the trees are really pretty.

This is our courtyard - I think the trees are really pretty.

I call this one 'Bubbles on the stair'

I call this one 'Bubbles on the stair'

Our big palm tree - Daddy said this one is his favorite.

Our big palm tree - Daddy said this one is his favorite.

Self portrait

Self portrait

(Dad note: It’s been a lot of fun watching Maile figure out the camera. She’s using an old Canon PowerShot point and shoot. We gave her some basic pointers a while back, but she’s mostly been figuring it out for herself. This is the first time the pictures were “publishable” – we’ll see if she keeps it up!)

(Click here for the video.)

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Double Fisting

by Papa K on March 7, 2012

Maile has been eating non stop that past week - think it's fair to say she is going through quite the growth spurt right now!

Maile has been eating non stop that past week - think it's fair to say she is going through quite the growth spurt right now!

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This is my little plant.

This is my little plant.

A couple weeks ago I went to my friend, Teia’s, birthday party. We had a great time running around the playground – and we got pizza and cake(!) too. Did I mention we had cake? So yummy.

Anyways, as we were leaving, Teia handed out a little present to all her friends. When I opened it it was just a little cardboard cup with some seeds and dirt in it. (It wasn’t terribly exciting to be honest.) But Daddy told me that we could “plant” the seeds and that a plant would grow. I wasn’t so sure, but I decided to humor Daddy.

We put some water on the dirt and it got really muddy, then I took my fingers and buried the seeds in the mud. That part was kind of fun. Then we put the cup on the window sill over the kitchen sink and waited. I checked my little plant every morning. For the first few days, nothing really happened. Then all of sudden, it started to grow a little bit! Every day it got bigger and bigger (Mommy says this is because I have a green thumb which is weird because neither of my thumbs are actually green.)

I’m quite proud of my little plant. On Sunday, Mommy said it was time to move the plant outside – it was too big for the little cup it was in. Our neighbor, Pat, gave us a pot and Mommy and I replanted the plant (yup, more fun playing with the mud!)

Mommy said it was my responsibility to water the plant. (Apparently, plants like water like I like blueberries and bananas.) So every morning, before I go to school, I water my little plant!

First I check the soil to see if it is too dry and needs some more water... (Dad note: yup, that's drool - Maile Girl just getting a head start on the next step ;)

First I check the soil to see if it is too dry and needs some more water... (Dad note: yup, that's drool - Maile Girl just getting a head start on the next step 😉

Then I water my little plant...

Then I water my little plant...

... Daddy laughs at me - he says I stick my tongue out like Michael Jordan when I water my plant. I don't know who that is, but I hope he takes good care of his plants...

... Daddy laughs at me - he says I stick my tongue out like Michael Jordan when I water my plant. I don't know who that is, but I hope he takes good care of his plants...

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Time to get serious

by Papa K on March 5, 2012

Maile Girl is taking matters into her own hands...

Maile Girl is taking matters into her own hands...

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Girls’ Day 2012

by Papa K on March 4, 2012

Some of you might remember Maile’s first Girls’ Day two years ago. I think it’s safe to say that she has grown into Mommy’s kimono a bit better!

(Dad note: It’s been awhile since we’ve talked about this kimono. It was Christine’s first kimono with was made by my Maile’s Great Grandma Kugiya. The very same Great Grandma Kugiya that we named Maile after – Grandma Kugiya’s first name was Chieko and that’s Maile’s middle name.)

Doesn't Maile Girl look beautiful?

Doesn't Maile Girl look beautiful?



Be sure to click the link above to the pictures from two years ago - crazy how much she's grown...

Be sure to click the link above to the pictures from two years ago - crazy how much she's grown...

We don't always like posing for the camera these days, but when we do, we put everything we've got into it!

We don't always like posing for the camera these days, but when we do, we put everything we've got into it!

Action shot!

Action shot!

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Mommy Returns from New York!

by Papa K on March 1, 2012

Christine was in New York all week for work. Maile and I did pretty well, but she definitely missed her Mommy. We weren’t sure if Chris was going to get back before Maile had to go to sleep, so I told her Mommy wouldn’t be home until the morning. Luckily, Chris did make it home in time!

(Dad note: The beginning of the video cracks me up. We were watching Little Einsteins and Maile can’t decide if she can pull herself away until I pause the show. Don’t take it personally, Mommy, Maile gets REALLY focused on her television!)

(Click here for the video.)

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