Bubbles + Bath = Awesomeness

by Maile Girl on June 21, 2011

Maile Girl here. You know what I just realized? EVERYTHING AWESOME STARTS WITH THE LETTER “B”! Seriously. Check out the list:

and my new favorite …

Oh. My. God. This is so awesome.

Oh. My. God. This is so awesome.

Now, I’ve been a big fan of bubbles for awhile now. I just never realized until a few days ago that you could have bubbles IN the bath tub. Why in the world did Mommy and Daddy wait until I was almost 2 to clue me in to this fact? I think I’m going to have a bubble bath every day for the rest of my life (Dad note: we’re at 4 days in a row right now…)

They even taste good. No really.

They even taste good. No really.



Best. Bath. Ever.

Best. Bath. Ever.

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