Paci Wars 2011: Shock & Awe

by Papa K on June 14, 2011

Saturday, June 11th, will go down in history as the start of the Paci Wars. We had been telling Maile that her paci was going to go away by the time she was 2 and we kicked things off a bit early with a mid-morning sneak attack in her 23rd month.

The final straw was Maile stopping half way through soccer practice and whining for her paci. As far as I’m concerned there are no pacies in soccer! When we got home, I grabbed some scissors and snipped the end of Maile’s purple paci. A little while later when Maile asked for her paci, we gave it to her as if nothing was wrong. The look on her face when she went to suck and air just came through was absolutely priceless. This video is from a few seconds later when she was still in total shock that her “paci was broke”…

Overall, the tactic seemed to have worked. Over the weekend she still asked for her paci like normal, but when she realized it was broken, she pretty much stopped bothering with it. Of course, I only snipped the purple paci so far – Maile quickly realized that she needed to be more specific and started to request her “green paci”…

The first battle definitely goes to Mommy and Daddy, but after the initial shock, Maile recovered and returned fire with a string of 5:20 AM wake up calls. A bold maneuver that has Mommy and Daddy reeling. This war is far from over – stay tuned…

(Click here for the video.)

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