From the daily archives:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Maile’s First Lego Creation

by Papa K on November 21, 2010

Daddy, I gotta say, legos are WAY more fun now that I understand that you can actually build things with them (instead of just breaking apart things that you build)!

Daddy, I gotta say, legos are WAY more fun now that I understand that you can actually build things with them (instead of just breaking apart things that you build)!

Legos were one of my favorite toys as a kid, so I probably jumped the gun a bit early with Maile Girl and got her first lego set awhile back. Up until today, Maile “playing” with legos mostly consisted of (a) dumping them all over the ground, (b) watching as Daddy built something and (c) breaking apart whatever it was that Daddy just built.

Happy to say that Maile has now figured out that she can actually build her own creations with legos. We had a lot fun this morning building a car and then a house. Here’s a video of how the car came together…

(Click here for the video.)

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