From the daily archives:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I have no idea.

by Papa K on November 9, 2010

Behind-the-scenes here at Hapa Haole, here is how things generally work. Christine ends up taking about 80% of the pictures and videos you see on the blog. When I sit down to post, I load up the videos and pictures from her phone and see what I have to work with. Typically, its a treasure trove of cuteness.

Then every once in awhile I get this…

Your guess is as good as mine.

Your guess is as good as mine.

This picture just cracked me up. I mean look at that belly!

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iPad Wizard

by Papa K on November 9, 2010

Tommy might have been able to rock the pinball machine, but Maile Girl is quickly becoming a wizard in her own right … on the iPad.

For a long time, Maile couldn’t quite figure out the iPhone or the iPad. She always wanted to hold them (or put them in her mouth), but she couldn’t quite get the touch screen to work. The main problem was that she’d put her whole hand on the screen -or- hold it with one hand and then try to make things happen with the other hand. This didn’t work because she’d have too many fingers on the touchscreen. The only big problem was that she was really attracted to the single button on the front of the device – and every time she pressed that it exited out of whatever we were showing her.

All of a sudden, a few weeks ago, she started to figure it out (sorry so shaky):

[vimeo clip_id=”16648841″ width=”450″ /]

It’s pretty fascinating (for me anyways) to watch her figure out the device. I didn’t get it on the video, but she actually knows that you need to slide the bar on the front to unlock it too.

(BTW – the games she likes the best are all made by a company called Duck Duck Moose. The games are great – although the songs definitely get a bit repetitive!)

(Click here for the video.)

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