From the daily archives:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cue the 2001 music, we’ve got a walker over here!

First a story. We knew Maile was getting pretty close to walking. We were nervous that she was going to take her first steps when Christine was in New York -or- last weekend, when I was in Boston. Neither of us wanted to miss this big step (pun intended). Maile Girl bided her time and then yesterday, when we both got home from work, Maile gave us a big present. We were playing with her in the living room and I decided to pull her walker a bit away from her. She stood teetering a bit and then all of a sudden Maile took her first tentative steps. Probably 3-4 the first time. But they were definite steps. Christine and I were so happy that a) she walked and b) she waited to do it in front of both of us at the same time. Very cool to share the milestone as a family.

In any event, no video of those very first steps – just something we’ll have to remember for ourselves (fascinating concept, right?) But today, Maile and Hannah were playing outside (the weather has been beautiful) and I managed to catch some walking on video. Enjoy!

[vimeo clip_id=”14439729″ width=”450″]

(Click here for the video.)

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