I need to upgrade my crib

by Maile Girl on September 6, 2009

Okay, so as my daddy previously mentioned, we are on a “vacation” this weekend. I don’t work, so not sure what I’m vacationing from exactly, but I can certainly get used to this.

We are staying at a resort called the St. Regis Resort at Monarch Beach. My mommy’s friend, Kari, is getting married here. I asked my daddy what a “resort” was and he said its just a really nice “hotel”. I then asked him what a “hotel” was and well, we didn’t get very far after that.

But I can tell you one thing, the beds in this place are AMAZING. I liked the bed so much that I actually slept for 7 hours last night! Need to figure out how to bribe my daddy into dumping my crib in exchange for one of these puppies…

This is comfy...

Not sure where Mommy and Daddy are sleeping, but I'm good right here...

Seriously, can I get one of these for my room?

Seriously, can I get one of these for my room?

Dad, you hook me up with one of these, no more waking up in the middle of the night. Pinky swear!

Dad, you hook me up with one of these, no more waking up in the middle of the night. Pinky swear!

(Dad note: It’s true, Maile did really sleep for 7 hours. It’s the longest Christine has slept uninterrupted since she was born!)

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