Maile Girl, Tomb Raider

by Papa K on June 26, 2016

The day before we left Kauai, Maile and I went on an adventure. It was a kayak hiking trip to check out a small waterfall on the island and, most importantly, go on a rope swing. Maile was most excited about the rope swing.

Maile and Daddy ready to rock our kayak adventure...

Maile and Daddy ready to rock our kayak adventure...

Maile got her very own paddle and actually did a good job manning the front of the kayak.

Maile got her very own paddle and actually did a good job manning the front of the kayak.

Maile showing off some of the pretty flowers she collected along the way...

Maile showing off some of the pretty flowers she collected along the way...

Kayak part done, now off to hike to the rope swing...

Kayak part done, now off to hike to the rope swing...

Maile Girl leading the way...

Maile Girl leading the way...

We had actually gone on this trip once before a couple years ago – that time we compared Maile to Dora the Explorer, but this time she was indeed more of a Tomb Raider! She didn’t even hesitate with the rope swing – she walked right up and jumped on – our little girl that used to hesitate at the top of the slide has come a long way!

One unfortunate part of the trip was that despite using bug spray, poor Maile’s legs got eaten alive and she developed a slight reaction and developed pretty big welts on her legs. They were super itchy and I felt so bad for her. Going in the cool water at the rope swing helped her out and she was a trooper all the way through. The bites were bad enough that I took her to the doctor the next day before we left for home and he prescribed some stronger medicine that really helped get the bites under control. She is indeed my daughter – but didn’t let that stop the adventures!

(Click here for the video.)

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