Maile’s First Chinese Dance Show

by Papa K on December 18, 2013

Tuesday through Friday, Maile takes after school classes at her school. She’s taken soccer, gymnastics, Lego class, art – but lately her favorite is the Chinese Dance class she takes on Fridays with Lily Lao Shi.

Our little Chinese dancer...

Our little Chinese dancer...

Last week, Christine and I were invited to attend the last class of the semester – a performance! It was pretty awesome – and Maile did a great job listening to the teacher and it was clear she had picked up some of the moves over the past couple of months.

Maile Girl is pretty good with the ribbon!

Maile Girl is pretty good with the ribbon!

Fair warning, the videos below are a bit longer than normal, but I think you’ll enjoy 🙂

Bring on the ribbons!

And, of course, Maile’s solo:

Proud daddy!

Proud daddy!

And Mommy too!

And Mommy too!

(Click here for the first video.)
(Click here for the second video.)
(Click here for the third video.)

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