From the daily archives:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We received a fun email from one of Maile’s teachers today – it had about a week’s worth of pictures of Maile’s school journal. Last week the teachers gave some of the kids a journal that they could draw and write in every day. Apparently, Maile has really taken to the idea. You can see her entries below – Maile’s teacher wrote:

Attached are Maile’s journal entries since last week. Her first one was on princess. She has been showing interest to write in her book everyday. We have been encouraging children to take that responsibility on their own, so we don’t have to remind them everyday. Starting this week, I noticed she is adding Chinese dates on her entries. She would write 六月四日星期二 (liu yue si ri xing qi er) June 4th, Tuesday.

Very cool to see the combined English and Chinese writing. Chris and I have seen her getting more and more comfortable with the Chinese. She still mainly speaks it at school, but she’s been using it at home a bit more. Most nights we ask her to teach us a new Chinese word at dinner and she always has something to share. It’s also clear that she is quite comfortable now conversing with her teachers in Chinese and is starting to take to writing the characters – my guess is that is the artistic side of her, since they are fun pictures to draw.

Maile's first journal entry - May 28th, 2013

Maile's first journal entry - May 28th, 2013

Notice how she is starting to add the date in English...

Notice how she is starting to add the date in English...

May 30th journal entry

May 30th journal entry

June 3rd she has the date in English and Chinese...

June 3rd she has the date in English and Chinese...

Can't wait to see where this goes next!

Can't wait to see where this goes next!

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