New Shoes

by Maile Girl on March 21, 2011

On Saturday after I woke up from my nap, Mommy and Daddy told me we were going on an adventure. We jumped in the car and drove for a long time – we even went over the big bridge – and ultimately we ended up at this enormous store. The biggest store I have ever seen! (Dad note: it was Super Target).

The store was awesome. I ran up and down all the aisles. I got a few presents and Daddy got shampoo. My best present was new shoes! At first I told Mommy I wasn’t so sure about them, but once I got home and tried them on, I knew they were awesome. I think they make me faster. I spent Sunday running all over the house just testing them out – Daddy caught a little of it on video. Don’t I look faster?

(Click here for the video.)

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